Port Angeles, WA—Soroptimist International of Port Angeles – Noon Club – Six Port Angeles High School juniors were awarded with STAR Awards by Soroptimist International of Port Angeles – Noon Club on January 17, 2025 at Joshua’s Restaurant. The STAR Awards were created by our club’s Educational Committee in 1987, as a result of member, Lynn Fraser’s, suggestion to recognize junior class students. STAR stands for STudent Activity Recognition. The STAR Awards recognize exceptional students during the very demanding junior year. Junior class counselor, Jamie Christensen spoke for two of the teachers who were unable to attend. PAHS Principal, Jeff Lunt, was also in attendance.
Students recognized, their areas and nominating teachers.
Academics: Becca Manson
Teacher: John Henry
Fine Arts: Matthew Miller
Nominating Teacher: Bonnie Clark
Creative Learning: Dante Marella
Nominating Teacher: Rebecca Griffith
Instrumental Music: Kedryn DeScala
Nominating Teacher: Jarrett Hansen
Career/Technical Education: Keira Simcox
Nominating Teacher: Gunner Thomason
Physical Education/Athletics: Andre Campbell
Nominating Teacher: Roger Johnson
The Criteria for Selection Include:
- Effort and willingness to work in the subject area
- Success in the subject area
- Passing in all subjects with above average grades in the subject area
- Extracurricular activities in the subject area are not required, but may be considered

Pictured from left: Matthew Miller, Dante Marella, Becca Manson, Kedryn DeScala, Andre Campbell
and Keira Simcox.

Soroptimist International of Port Angeles – Noon Club
Six Port Angeles High School juniors were awarded with STAR Awards by Soroptimist International of Port Angeles – Noon Club on January 19, 2024 at Joshua’s Restaurant. The STAR Awards were created by our club’s Educational Committee in 1987, as a result of member, Lynn Fraser’s, suggestion to recognize junior class students. STAR stands for STudent Activity Recognition. The STAR Awards recognize exceptional students during the very demanding junior year. John Gallagher was also recognized for his years of supporting the STAR Awards program by being a regular nominator of students. PAHS Principal, Jeff Lunt, was also in attendance.
The Criteria for Selection Include:
- Effort and willingness to work in the subject area
- Success in the subject area
- Passing in all subjects with above average grades in the subject area
- Extracurricular activities in the subject area are not required, but may be considered
Students recognized their disciplines and recommending teachers.
Academics: Isaac Oberly – Nominating Teacher: John Gallagher
Fine Arts: Samanta Council – Nominating Teacher: Bonnie Clark
Creative Learning: Shaylin Lowe- Nominating Teacher: Gunnar Thomason
Instrumental Music: Mya Hartman – Nominating Teacher: Nathan Rodahl
Career/Technical Education: Finn Thompson – Nominating Teacher: Shaunna Olson
Physical Education/Athletics: Heidi Leitz – Nominating Teacher: Alyssa Wetzler

Pictured from left: Samantha Council, Mya Hartman, Shaylin Lowe, Isaac Oberly and Finn Thompson
(Not pictured: Heidi Leitz)
Port Angeles, WA—Soroptimist International of Port Angeles – Noon Club Six Port Angeles High School juniors were awarded with STAR Awards by Soroptimist International of Port Angeles – Noon Club on May 12, 2023 at Joshua’s Restaurant. The STAR Awards were created by our club’s Educational Committee in 1987, because of member Lynn Fraser’s, suggestion to recognize junior class students. STAR stands for STudent Activity Recognition. The STAR Awards recognize exceptional students during the very demanding junior year.
The Criteria for Selection Include:
- Effort and willingness to work in the subject area
- Success in the subject area
- Passing in all subjects with above average grades in the subject area
- Extracurricular activities in the subject area are not required, but may be considered
Students recognized their disciplines and recommending teachers.
Academics: Ian Davis – Nominating Teacher: Stacey Sanders
NJROTC: Allison Pettit – Nominating Teacher: Robert Smith
Lincoln High School: Trinity Williams – Nominating Teacher: Cindy Rogers
Vocal Music: Sean McDaniel – Nominating Teacher: John Lorentzen
Business: Brian Guttormsen – Nominating Teacher: Jen Rogers
Extracurricular/Community Service: Catalina Sperr-Crane – Nominating Teacher: John Gallagher

Pictured from left: Connie Panike; Awards Representative, Allison Pettit, Sean McDaniel, Brian Guttormsen, Ian Davis, Catalina Sperr-Crane, Trinity Williams, and Lisa Millar; SIPA President-Elect